Dating Tips During the Coronavirus

By Henna, 10 Mar 2025

The spread of COVID-19 has, without a doubt, changed the face of dating for the foreseeable future. With lockdowns in place all over the world, we, as a human race, must learn to live with social distancing, at least for now. But even with the restrictions, we’re under, there’s still space for love and dating. Here are a few dating tips during this time.

Dating Tips During the Coronavirus blog post featured image

Dating Tip #1: Download a dating app (or two)

Dating apps and sites are still the most obvious, and popular places to go to meet new people.

And there are a lot of them out there.

Hinge, Bumble, Tinder, it can be difficult to know which app to choose.

Check out this great dating app guide for a low-down on each of the biggest (and free) dating apps.

The great thing about a dating app is that you (hopefully) won’t shoot your shot to someone who may already be in a relationship, and you have the opportunity, with your profile, to give your potential quarantine boo a snapshot of who you are. 

As per regular, non-COVID-19 online dating, be honest!

Try to communicate who you really are on your profile, and don’t be afraid to be a little unique.

With so many more of us on dating apps during this time, it’s more important than ever to stand out – and the only way to do this is to be true to yourself. 

Dating Tip #2: Try not to focus on looks… too much

Yes, you need to be attracted to someone to be able to have a relationship with them, and a physical and sexual connection is important in a potential partner.

However, many of us have gotten into a habit of using dating apps to find casual, sexual encounters, which are pretty much based on looks.

But if you’re dating in quarantine, you’re going to have to last weeks, maybe even months, without physical contact.

And if you’re just looking for sex, what’s the point?

So your criteria when looking for a lockdown love needs to focus on character, hobbies and values just as much as their appearance.

So if you find yourself aimlessly swiping, stop and actually read their profile, you might find a gem or two!

Dating Tip #3: Actually get to know them

Whilst the initial stage of online dating remains the same, the actual process of dating in the age of coronavirus is inevitably different.

Without being able to actually meet up in person, it may feel as if online-forged new relationships can only reach certain levels, which may leave you feeling bored or uninterested.

But this is actually a great opportunity to get to know the person you match with, on a human level outside of “hook-up” culture.

Being limited to speaking over the phone or FaceTime means that you don’t really have a choice but to get to know them.

This allows you to connect on a much deeper level, and figure out if you’re fundamentally a good fit together, and can actually spend time together.

COVID-19 has actually given us a chance to make authentic connections now, and build a real foundation with someone, which could even result in a real-life relationship, post-lockdown. 

We’re all under a lot more stress than normal right now, and that can go one of two ways.

This can be a great way to figure out if the person you’re speaking to is real relationship material based on how they’re reacting to increased stress and negativity in their life.

But on the flip side, many of us are struggling, which can cause people to act out of character and unlike themselves.

So while you shouldn’t put up with behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable, we can still act and converse with patience and kindness.

And even if things don’t click romantically, you could make a good friend, and give and receive some much-needed human companionship in these weird, difficult times.

Dating Tip #4: Get creative with your date ideas 

While a good old FaceTime works great when you first meet, once you’ve established that you like each other, now is where you want to have fun still.

Having Netflix dates are nice and give you something to do together, but even as you move through the dating stages, doing new things teaches you about the person you’re dating.

This can be difficult when you’re confined to your home, but trust us, there are ways around it and it’s important to do it.

For example, you don’t want to get together only to find 4 months down the line that they hate Beyonce.

Total deal-breaker there. 

So have listening parties, go on virtual museum tours, and order each other takeaway deliveries – you’d be surprised at how many real-life dates and activities you can recreate virtually.

You can even go really old school and write them a letter!

Not to mention, your potential bae will be super impressed by your efforts to keep things fun and interesting – it’s a win-win situation really. 

Dating Tip #5: No matter how tempting it may  be – stay home

We know this is an obvious one, but say you do meet someone online and you fall madly in love, or just really want to see them, in short, don’t.

We understand how alluring and all-encompassing infatuation and dating can be, but no matter how much you want to, even when dating, safety still must come first.

We need to think of our loved ones and communities at this time, and you get some action just isn’t a good enough excuse to jeopardise the lives and health of others.

So resist the temptation, and keep your dating escapades strictly virtual.

Besides, the best things are worth waiting for, right?

So there you have it, the best tips and tricks to make sure your dating game is still on point (and responsible), even with the coronavirus pandemic.

With everyone under so much more stress, dating sites, apps, and social media are providing some well-needed human connection.

So be kind, be safe, and stay home. 

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About the author


Henna is an experienced writer for Miingle , Bubbl and other publications. When she’s not writing for Miingle, you can find her listening (and singing) to music, working on her mindfulness and self-care practice, or blogging about everything from race and intersectional feminism to beauty and empowerment.

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