5 Pieces of Sexless Marriage Advice for Men from a Man Who Has Been There

By Gideon, 22 Feb 2025

Today’s article focuses on 5 pieces of sexless marriage advice for men from a man who has been there, namely myself.

Some of what you’ll read will be familiar.

Some of it will be news to you.

Some of it might challenge you.

But whatever you experience, know that as a man and a husband of nearly sixteen years, I’ve been where some of you are right now (for reasons I’ll share).

I’m not making light of anything nor pretending anything about a sexless marriage is easy because it’s not.

It’s downright frustrating.

You get angry, you feel powerless, and sometimes, you even start feeling sorry for yourself.

But if you’re going to have any chance of staying married long-term and repairing your married sex life, you’re going to have to banish your divorce thoughts and get your head back in the game.

Now, is there a time to walk away from a sexless marriage?

Maybe. We’ll look at it.

But there are also many other things about a romantic relationship you need to consider and address before you consider walking away from your wife (and perhaps kids).

There is more to a marriage than just a physical relationship, and those things often impact our physical intimacy more than you might imagine right now.

Also, having a sexless marriage seems to be a common situation for many couples, or at least it has been at some stage, so you’re not the only one.

Thus, if you want to “fix” your sexless marriage, you need to realise that this is a more significant issue than just sex, and you’re not the only one going through it.

Also, if you want to fix things, you must start considering and prioritising many of the major relationship issues that have most likely contributed to your sexless marriage.

But let’s start by talking about the reality of a sexless marriage, and I’ll share some of my experiences too.

The Reality of a Sexless Marriage: My Experience

As previously said, a sexless marriage occurs when you or your partner does not want or cannot have sex.

When this happens, many men begin to believe that something is wrong with them, leading to unhelpful thinking and behaviour patterns.

The truth is that, while a sexless marriage can be difficult, men have more power to address the problem than they realise and the resources to heal things, provided both partners are willing to talk things out without judgment, listen intently and work towards a solution.

Is it a complex and sometimes long journey?


But, unless you want to leave your marriage, you will have to accept and deal with what you have in your situation.

After all, marriage is a pledge to be there for each other “in sickness and in health.”

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns.

Sexless Marriage Advice for Men

Before we go any further into the concept of a sexless marriage and look at sexless marriage advice for men, let me first say that my wife and I have been married for over sixteen years, the majority of which has been fantastic and full of adventure.

However, like most marriages and relationships, ours has had its share of difficulties throughout the years.

Nonetheless, despite these challenges, we remained a solid unit, even when things were difficult.

We went through a sexless marriage a few years ago due to depression, a miscarriage, and hormonal issues in our marriage.

Sexless Marriage Advice for Men
“My wife and son when he was a baby”

Without getting into too much detail, what ended up happening was that my wife and I went through an 18-month dry spell where sex wasn’t happening frequently (if at all).

The truth is that, while a sexless marriage is a significant difficulty in and of itself, we were dealing with much more severe issues at the time.

My wife lost a baby and struggled with depression, which was difficult for her and us as a couple.

To make matters worse, we were new immigrants in a foreign country with no familiar support systems, which made things even more difficult.

However, while being in a sexless marriage was initially overshadowed by these other concerns, it also gradually became a significant issue for us as a couple.

My wife most likely battled just as much as I did, albeit more emotionally, because she felt a lot of guilt and shame for not “feeling like doing it.”

Even though she wanted to, she couldn’t, making matters worse because she didn’t know how to solve them. Neither did I.

And believe me, we’ve tried everything.

But when you’re dealing with mental health and hormone issues, and you don’t have a healthy lifestyle, to begin with, things get complicated.

It was a long battle with tonnes of frustration, pleading, suggesting, nagging, self-shaming, and self-criticism.

But, in the end, we stuck it out, continued communicating, concentrated on the things we could control, and managed to break free from a sexless marriage, emerging stronger as a couple as a result.

With that aside, let me be completely honest for a moment: the reality of a sexless marriage can be highly frustrating and leave you feeling utterly powerless as a man.

A sexless marriage can seem to be a cold, lifeless relationship where the couple resembles roommates rather than husband and wife.

You keep the whole thing going for the sake of the family and kids, but there is very little emotional connection and sexual intimacy.

Furthermore, the man in a sexless marriage frequently feels neglected and insignificant.

It will feel as if it is his fault in some way.

He may believe he is not good enough for his wife or that she is no longer sexually interested in him.

That can result in feelings of unhappiness on the one hand and resentment against her on the other.

He must seek ways to vent his feelings, which frequently takes the shape of what psychology refers to as “displacement.”

Displacement is a term used in psychology to describe how we shift our attention or feelings from one person or item to another. For example, we may displace our frustration at our wife onto our children or pets at home.

He may also use food or alcohol to numb his genuine feelings and desires.

But, that’s not where the answer to this issue lies.

Suppose you want to start repairing a sexless marriage.

In that case, you must begin by putting your marriage in the proper perspective, finding the root cause, and doing the things that will heal the whole marital situation and not just the physical part.

We will look at that more later on.

But, first, let’s define a sexless marriage properly before figuring out how to change it so that you can experience passionate lovemaking again in the future.

What Is a Sexless Marriage?

A sexless marriage has no single definition, but it is fundamentally a marriage where the couple does not engage in sexual intercourse.

Sexless Marriage Advice for Men

That could be due to various factors, such as a lack of desire or an inability to have sex.

According to the well-known sexual therapist Dr Barry McCarthy, the average couple has sex 60 times each year or every week.

However, many couples have sex more than once a week, while others have sex less than once a week.

Additionally, when sex therapists refer to a sexless marriage, they are referring to a couple that has sex less than ten times a year, Dr McCarthy explains.

So, with that in mind, it is critical to remember that each couple determines what constitutes a healthy sexual frequency for them.

Every couple is unique.

One might further speculate that because each couple decides what frequency is healthy for them, they also determine what constitutes a sexless marriage.

Some couples may consider themselves sexless if they have sex less than once a week, whilst others may not consider themselves sexless until they go for a prolonged period (for example, a month or longer) without any sexual activity.

However, the reality is that many married couples go sexless for far longer than that.

According to a 2018 New York Times article, around 15% of married couples are sexless, meaning they haven’t had sex with each other in the previous six months to one year.

As you can see, deciding if you’re in a sexless marriage boils down to your and your spouse’s expectations regarding the frequency of sex and whether your present dry spell deviates from that.

Furthermore, one of you likely feels that your current sex life lacks passion, while the other thinks that things aren’t all that bad.

So, ultimately, it boils down to the general feeling in your marriage.

How Does A Sexless Marriage Affect a Man?

Based on my personal past experience, I can attest to the fact that a sexless marriage can significantly affect a man, both physically and emotionally.

A sexless marriage can have a whole range of physiological effects on a man ranging from affected testosterone levels, raised cortisol levels, weight gain or loss (due to stress and poor lifestyle choices as a result), lack of sleep, fatigue, mental fog, etc.

On top of this, a sexless marriage can greatly affect the emotional well-being of a man.

If he is not getting adequate doses of dopamine due to him and his wife being sexually inactive, he may become depressed and anxious.

There are a number of ways in which a man’s physiology can be affected by a lack of sex.

One is that he may experience a decrease in testosterone levels.

Ironically, while testosterone deficiency can impair sexual desire and performance, having sex can actually boost testosterone production.

In fact, there is research that now suggests that reduced sexual activity leads to the decline of testosterone levels rather than the other way around.

Low testosterone, of course, can lead to a loss of muscle mass, a decrease in bone density, and a decrease in energy levels, which in turn, have a range of other behavioural issues.

While it might vary depending on an individual’s overall health, lifestyle, and food, low energy levels can result in a lack of motivation, lower productivity and difficulties concentrating, to name a few examples.

Aside from that, males who have low energy levels may be more prone to experiencing mood swings or becoming angry.

As a result, the relationship may be put under even more strain, and a couple may find themselves having even less sex as a result.

Additionally, a lack of sex can lead to a decrease in the production of endorphins, which is associated with depression.

Emotionally, a man can feel rejected and unimportant if his wife is not interested in sex.

When a man feels rejected and unimportant in his marriage, he may start to feel isolated and alone.

I know this happened to me somewhat.

He may also feel like he is not good enough for his wife and that she would be better off without him, in other words, feelings of self-pity.

When he believes he is unimportant to her and that she does not care about him, he is more likely to experience depression and feelings of worthlessness.

Sexless Marriage Advice for Men

All of the above are acceptable reactions to a sexless marriage, but none of them will help you heal things.

No matter how sorry a man feels for himself, it will only make an already bad situation worse.

No amount of self-pity or nagging will change anything.

In fact, it will almost certainly have the opposite effect, widening the chasm between you and your wife and exacerbating the issue.

You must rise above your own feelings and needs (especially sexual), for the time being at least if you want to turn things around in your marriage.

I will share with you a few ideas on how to do that soon.

But, first…

Can A Man Survive In A Sexless Marriage?

A man can absolutely survive in a sexless marriage, but it is not ideal nor the goal because surviving isn’t thriving.

Now, whether a man can thrive in a sexless marriage or not is another question, one I do not think is possible for a few reasons.

Let’s consider biology first. (Please note that I’m into psychology and not biology, so I’m happy to learn if you want to add something in the comments below.)

From an evolutionary perspective, sex is important to men because it is a way for them to pass on their genes.

Sex is also important to men because it is a way for them to release stress and feel pleasure.

Sex can help relieve stress by raising endorphins and other hormones that boost mood.

A man’s brain seems to be wired somewhat differently than a woman’s brain when it comes to sex.

For example, a 2020 examination of over 2,000 brain scans revealed gender disparities in the sizes of specific regions of the human brain.

According to several studies, these physiological variations are mostly the result of sex hormones’ impact on brain development.

Recent research indicates that the activity, or “expression,” of genes on sex chromosomes contributes to the formation of these physical variations.

Males and females, on average, have greater volume in various sections of the cortex, the outermost layer of the brain that controls thought and voluntary movement.

Females showed larger prefrontal, orbitofrontal, superior temporal, lateral parietal, and insula cortical volumes.

Males showed a larger volume in the ventral temporal and occipital areas on average.

Each of these zones is in charge of processing distinct types of data.

For example, a male’s amygdala, which regulates sexual behaviour and “fight or flight” reaction, is bigger compared to a woman.

Sexless Marriage Advice for Men

If you want to learn more about how the human brain differs according to sex when male and female brains are compared, here’s a great article with images (2017) on ZMEScience.com to check out.

In the context of sex, for men, sex is often more about physical pleasure and less about emotions.

Men are also more likely to be aroused by visual images and to be more interested in casual sex.

Let’s consider some of the brain regions that light up when men are looking at images of naked women.

The difference is subtle, but there is a clear difference in brain activation.

When men look at images of naked women, the reward and pleasure centres of the brain are activated.

Now, that happens in women as well, but keep in mind two additional things.

First, according to Mateusz Gola, PhD, a neuroscience researcher at the University of California, San Diego, the amygdala, a region of the brain associated with emotional behaviour and motivation, may also be activated when viewing pornographic materials.

Taking into account that men have a bigger amygdala, it stands to reason men will have a greater response to nudity and the idea of sex.

Second, men are more sexually aroused by visual stimuli.

These may explain why men are more likely to look at pornography in the first place.

Men are more visual, they have a greater interest in visual sexual stimuli than women, so they are more likely to become addicted to looking at images of naked women.

Male fantasies also tend to focus more on visual imagery and explicit anatomic detail, with men being more interested in visual sexual stimulation and fantasies.

That’s perhaps why simply seeing your wife naked can be very satisfying despite how she feels about her body.

Men are visual.

Sex is essentially visual on steroids.

In fact, according to a 2014 study, men are more than 543% more likely to look at porn than women.

Additionally, Letitia Anne Peplau notes in her 2003 work, “Human Sexuality: How Do Men and Women Differ?” that numerous pieces of research reveal that men are more interested in sex than women (for example, review by Baumeister, Catanese, & Vohs, 2001).

Men, in comparison to women, think about sex more frequently.

They report experiencing more frequent sex thoughts and sensations of sexual desire.

Across the lifespan, men estimate their own sex urge as more powerful than female peers.

Men are more receptive to visual sexual stimuli and are more willing to spend money on sexual products and activities such as X-rated DVDs and prostitute visits.

Men and women also have distinct sexual preferences.

When heterosexual dating and married couples disagree about sexual frequency, it is generally the case that the guy desires sex more frequently than the woman.

Actual sexual frequency in heterosexual relationships may reflect a compromise between the male and female partners’ wishes.

Additionally, women tend to be more willing than men to abstain from sexual activity or to take religious vows of chastity.

Masturbation is also an excellent indicator of sexual desire since it is unrestricted by the presence of a partner.

Males are more likely than females to masturbate, begin at a younger age, and do so more frequently.

Oliver and Hyde (1993) discovered significant differences in the incidence of masturbation between men and women in an analysis of 177 research.

Peplau points out that these and numerous other empirical data support men’s increased sexual interest compared to women.

Please note this by no means implies that women do not have strong sexual urges or desires. But it does seem that sex seems to be far more important to the average man than the average woman. I’m happy to be corrected in the comments below.

The main point I’m trying to make here is that based on a lot of data, it seems very unlikely for a man to thrive in a sexless marriage and he is bound to resort to various means to compensate for the lack of sexual intimacy.

sexless marriage advice for men

Now, that’s on one level…

Another reason why a man might struggle to thrive in a sexless marriage is that a man also needs sex to feel connected to his wife and to feel like he is still desired by her because it makes him feel loved and important.

When a man feels like he is the only one who can make his wife happy, it boosts his ego and makes him feel like a powerful and important figure in her life.

It also reinforces the bond between them and strengthens their relationship.

He needs to feel emotionally and physically connected to her in order to have a happy and fulfilling life.

Without that, a man can easily slip into destructive patterns of thinking and self-pity causing him to feel and behave in a manner that is toxic for both himself and his relationship with his wife.

Essentially, when a woman does not have sex with her husband, it makes him wonder why and to answer that question, he almost always makes himself the reason.

As a result, he ends up feeling rejected and abandoned, which triggers his deep-seated emotions of fear which tend to surface in the form of anger, jealousy, and even resentment and contempt.

Additionally, without sex, a marriage can also become stale and the couple may grow apart.

Once a couple grows apart, sex or no sex, the relationship has very little chance of surviving.

Finally, a lack of sex in a marriage can also cause other areas of a relationship to suffer.

For example, if a husband is not in tune with his wife physically, he may end up withdrawing from her emotionally as well.

As a possible result, a husband who is not sexually or emotionally fulfilled any longer may begin to cheat or find another woman to be sexual with, thus causing him and his wife to lose any form of connection that was left.

sexless marriage advice for men

Now, what do we take away from all of this?

What I take away from it is that it seems that as a man, I’m hardwired to look, I want to look, I’m designed to have sex (a lot of it), and as a result, an indefinite sexless marriage will be very hard to thrive in long term.

The answer does not lie in acceptance but in action.

So, with all of that in mind, how can a couple take action against a sexless marriage?

Also, what are the top causes of a sexless marriage?

If we stick to my initial proposal that prevention is better than cure, what are the things a couple need to be aware of that can contribute to a sexless marriage?

In the next section, we’ll look at a few contenders.

Top Causes of a Sexless Marriage

Every relationship is different, which makes it difficult to pinpoint the most significant factors contributing to a sexless marriage with certainty.

Dr Tameca Harris-Jackson, a licenced marriage and family therapist who is also a certified sex educator, says that while it is common for couples’ sexual activity to fluctuate, there is a pattern that she attributes to a connection between the mind and the body during unsatisfying sexless times.

For example, sexless periods are more likely to occur after:

  • dealing with a medical condition and/or that causes severe physical changes
  • having unsolved disputes
  • experiencing high levels of stress
  • being continually concerned
  • factors or conditions in one’s life that are extremely stressful

Essentially, stress has a huge impact on sex since people who are anxious are often not in the mood for sex.

The more stressed you are, the more it affects your body, and the less aroused or turned on you or your spouse will feel to desire sex.

Additionally, stress, as well as depression, can impair orgasms and possibly cause erectile dysfunction.

Dr Becker-Warner, a relationship and sex therapist from the Program in Human Sexuality at the University of Minnesota, also claims that sexlessness can be ascribed to a variety of factors in one’s life, including the following:

  • periods of mourning or grief
  • changes in one’s life
  • factors affecting stress and time
  • ageing 
  • ageing 
  • internalised discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
  • barriers to effective communication
  • concerns with mental health that have gone untreated (depression, sexual anxiety, trauma)
  • a disability that was not there before is now there

There are a variety of other factors that can contribute to a sexless marriage, including:

  • symptoms associated with menopause or perimenopause
  • being pregnant
  • tiredness that lasts a long time
  • health problems that last a long time
  • side effects of medicine
  • conforming to a set of limiting sexuality beliefs
  • dissimilarities in culture or religion
  • infidelity
  • substance abuse
  • asexuality

Consequently, as you can see, there can be a wide variety of variables that contribute to your marriage being sexless.

Finding out what needs to be changed is an important part of the process of fixing things.

Following Dr Becker-Warner’s research, we know that a lack of sexual intimacy is typical across all couples.

However, when one of the partners is negatively impacted because a couple has incompatible sexual interests, it may become a difficult situation to navigate.

When a couple is no longer on the same page and isn’t working together to find a shared solution, things can get difficult to manage.

So, let’s now start talking about how to address a sexless marriage.

What are effective ways to approach a sexless marriage if you want to start turning things around?

Sexless Marriage Advice for Men: 5 Ideas to Consider

It can be difficult to know what to do if you are in a sexless marriage, and it also depends on your own situation and its unique set of challenges.

However, there are a few conceptually practical ideas to examine that apply to the majority of situations.

They are as follows:

Put Sex in Your Marriage in the Proper Perspective

As Dr Phil once said, “If sex is going well in a relationship it contributes to about 10% overall, but when sex is a problem, it becomes 90% of the problem.”

That is so true in my experience.

It becomes all-consuming when you’re in a sexless marriage. It’s all you can think about or care about.

However, what I’ve learned from my own marriage is that unless you (as a man) manage to put sex in the proper perspective in your marriage, the struggle and frustration will eat you alive.

More than that, not only will you be sexless, but there’s a good chance you’ll be wifeless as well.

So, the first step is to put sex in your marriage in its appropriate perspective.

Yes, sex is beautiful, but it is not the only important aspect of a marriage.

Many other things, such as love, respect, adventure, growth, camaraderie, friendship, and communication, are more important.

sexless marriage advice for men

I’d argue that if you lose these things but still have sex from time to time out of habit, you’re in even more trouble than in a sexless marriage.

One could also argue that because many of these factors are absent, sex is also absent (unless there are other psychological and/or physiological challenges).

For example, consider the relationship between a lack of communication between two partners and a lack of sex.

It is widely accepted that a lack of communication in a marriage can lead to a lack of sex.

This is due to the fact that communication is required for couples to understand each other’s needs and desires.

When communication breaks down, however, the bond between two partners suffers, and couples may be less inclined to have sex with each other.

Fortunately, this is something that can be improved through regular and open communication.

However, the point here is that in many cases, what a man perceives to be a sex problem is actually another type of relationship problem that has contributed to sex becoming a problem, such as a lack of communication.

There are numerous reasons why it is critical to place sex in the proper perspective in marriage.

One of the most important is that sex is a powerful force that, if not kept in its proper place, can easily overtake a marriage.

On that basis, what I learned in our previous sexless marriage is that when sex is given too much importance in a marriage, it can become the main focus of the relationship, overshadowing other important aspects such as communication, friendship, and love.

When that happens, you’re perfectly designing a system to get the results you’re getting, to quote W. Edwards Deming.

Instead of putting sex on a pedestal, put your wife on one, or at least treat her like she is on one.

Communicate With Your Wife

We’ve already discussed the link between a lack of communication and a lack of sex.

But it’s also critical to understand that if you’re unhappy in your sexless marriage, you need to talk to your wife about it.

Tell her how you feel and what you want to see changed.

Allow her to express her thoughts and feelings.

You may be surprised by what you hear.

When my wife and I were having one of our numerous conversations about what was going on with our sex life, one of the most valuable things she said to me was that she, too, wanted to have sex and was just as frustrated with the situation as I was.

Simply hearing her say that made me feel validated and not alone in our struggle.

More than that, knowing that our sexless marriage at that point was the result of a confluence of factors gave me renewed energy to keep going with patience, compassion, empathy, and, most importantly, love for my wife and life.

This goes back to what I said earlier: you have to put sex in its proper perspective.

Sex is an important aspect of marriage, but it is not the only important aspect of life.

If you want to have any chance of resolving this issue and restoring sex in your marriage, you must find a way to get past your fixation on the fact that sex is currently an issue in your relationship.

A strange thing happens when we find joy in life again, without sex even being an issue: Sex seems to start taking care of itself.

However, it all begins with communication.

sexless marriage advice for men

Discuss your feelings with her.

Be open and honest, but also vulnerable and open yourself up to her.

Allow her to be open and honest with you as well, without getting offended if she says something you didn’t expect or want to hear.

That is ultimately important because, in order to “fix” sex in marriage, you must first identify the source of the problem.

Find Out the Root of the Problem

If you’re in a sexless marriage, it’s critical to figure out what’s causing the problem.

As we’ve already seen, there could be a variety of reasons why your sex life has dwindled, and it’s critical to identify the root cause in order to find a solution.

It’s possible, for example, that one or both of you have simply lost interest in sex or that there are unresolved issues between you.

Perhaps one or both of you are feeling more stressed than usual.

Perhaps you’re having financial difficulties, or the kids have become too much for you.

Another possibility is that there is another relationship issue, such as frequent criticism or a lack of gratitude, that has evolved into high enough levels of dissatisfaction, resulting in a complete disinterest in sexual intimacy as a natural byproduct.

Whatever the case may be, in order to address the problem, you must first determine the root cause of the problem.

However, even if you discover what’s causing the current situation, I strongly advise against pursuing a solution on your own.

A sexless marriage is a couple’s problem, so both parties must work together to solve it.

Include Your Wife in Being Proactive in Seeking Solutions

You and your wife must collaborate to find solutions in order to save your sexless marriage.

That means she needs to be included in the process rather than feeling left out or ignored.

When going through the experience of a sexless marriage, the importance of including your wife and being proactive in seeking solutions cannot be overstated.

There are several reasons why both spouses should be proactive in seeking solutions for a sexless marriage.

To begin with, it takes two people to establish and maintain a sexless marriage.

It is unlikely that a single person will be able to solve the problem.

Second, when it comes to resolving the problem, both spouses must be on the same page.

It will be difficult to make progress if one spouse is pushing for change while the other is resisting it.

Third, when you’re angry or frustrated with the other spouse, it’s difficult to solve a problem.

Remember that marriage is a two-way street, and both spouses must be committed to making it work.

The marriage will fail if one spouse feels helpless and hopeless.

Fourth, it’s difficult to change if you’re not completely on board with the strategy.

It’s not helpful, for example, if one spouse wants to talk about intimacy and the other doesn’t.

If a couple cannot agree on what to do, they must choose their next sexual encounter.

So how do you start the discussion?

Here are some tips:

1. Talk to your spouse.

One of the best ways to bring up a subject like this is by making eye contact and having a one-on-one conversation.

Tell your spouse you’d like to discuss a problem you’re having in the bedroom.

2. Get agreement on the problem.

Try to brainstorm ideas for solving the problem before you bring it up.

For example, do you both agree that there’s a problem?

Or do you have different ideas about what the problem is?

If you can’t solve the problem, decide what you each want out of a marriage.

Do you want sex every day?

Or do you accept that you’ll have to make tough choices?

3. Agree on a plan of attack.

Before you get down to business, make sure you have an agreement on the approach you’ll take.

Are you both going to come up with solutions?

Or are you both just going to let the problem marinate until it gets worse?

4. Be honest about expectations.

If you’re unhappy with how things are going, be honest.

And don’t hold back if you feel the other person is being dishonest or hasn’t been completely honest with you.

Also, make it clear when you feel their expectations are unrealistic and negotiate better ones.

5. Keep the lines of communication open.

If you find yourself getting angry or blaming each other, try to identify the underlying problem rather than talking about the surface problem itself, i.e. not having sex.

And keep communication lines open.

6. Despite not having sex right now work hard to stay emotionally and physically connected in other ways because that stays important.

Remaining emotionally and physically connected as a couple despite not having sex can be difficult, but there are ways to make it work.

One way to stay connected is to find other ways to be intimate with each other.

This could include cuddling, kissing, or even just talking.

It’s also important to make time for each other outside of the bedroom.

Spend time doing things you both enjoy, and make sure to have regular conversations about your relationship.

sexless marriage advice for men

If you’re feeling frustrated or neglected, take time to talk about your feelings, and don’t be afraid to express how you feel.

Finally, even if you’re having trouble being intimate with each other, try to stay positive and look on the bright side of things.

Get Help From a Professional

Lastly, and this one is self-explanatory, if you are experiencing a sexless marriage, it might be essential to get help from a professional.

A professional can help you understand the root of the problem and help you find a solution.

If you don’t feel comfortable with speaking to a therapist, perhaps consider a support group instead.

Top 3 Sexless Marriage Support Groups

There are many benefits to joining a support group.

First, support groups provide a sense of community and connection.

This can be incredibly valuable for those who feel isolated or alone.

Second, support groups offer a space for members to share their experiences and feelings.

This can be helpful in validating members’ experiences and providing them with support and understanding.

Third, support groups can provide practical advice and resources.

This can be helpful in navigating difficult situations and finding support services.

Finally, support groups can be a valuable tool for couples who are experiencing a sexless marriage.

A sexless marriage can be difficult to understand and navigate on your own.

Support groups can help couples explore issues they might not have had the opportunity to talk about otherwise, as well as provide a support network.

Below you will find three of the top sexless marriage support groups to look into.


This exclusive online community is perfect for this coronavirus pandemic and is dedicated to assisting spouses in re-establishing their sexless marriage.

It is intended chiefly for married couples who wish to remain together while overcoming the sexual difficulties they are now having.

Joining, listening, and learning from other people’s experiences are all free activities in this community.

If you and your spouse are in a sexless marriage, this is the perfect group for you and your partner.

Well Marriage Center 

On this online platform for marriage counselling and marriage wellness, couples and marriages can receive therapy for issues such as a lack of sexual intimacy and communication breakdown to improve their overall relationship.

For those seeking professional marital counselling or sex therapy, the marriage centre can put you in touch with a relationship therapist who possesses the necessary knowledge and expertise to help your marriage thrive once more.


The mensgroup website is the ideal place to go if you are a man looking for an all-male sexless marital support group on the internet.

A sexless marriage can affect men just as much as it does women. Having a safe environment where you can communicate with other men in confidence and privacy is sometimes all you need to rekindle the passion in your marriage.

For those in need of assistance, Mensgroup.com is an online support group that can be accessed at any time.

If you visit this site for males exclusively, you will meet other men who have been in sexless marriages and have managed to overcome the difficulties of the situation.

You will learn from them about how to enjoy sex again and rekindle your wife’s sexual interest in you once again.

If you are a male in a sexless marriage, you are not alone in your feelings and experiences.

Menggroup.com is a place where people can share, learn, and grow for free.

When Is It Time To Walk Away From a Sexless Marriage?

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question because it is dependent on a range of elements that are unique to each particular circumstance.

It is possible for some couples to decide that it is time to end their sexless marriage after years of trying without success, while other couples may feel that it is still worthwhile to try to re-establish a healthy sexual relationship, even if they are not currently having sex.

The decision to remain or leave a sexless marriage should be based on what is best for the couple, their children, and themselves in the long run.

In Conclusion

Being in a sexless marriage can be challenging.

I’ve been there, and I know what you’re going through.

So, if you’re in a sexless marriage, your best bet right now is to communicate with your partner.

Discuss why the sex has stopped and see if there is anything that can be done to resolve the issue.

If the problem is caused by a physical condition, you should seek medical attention.

If the issue is a lack of interest or desire, you may need to try different methods to rekindle the flame.

But whatever you do, don’t get angry (it will only push her further away), don’t feel sorry for yourself (it’s not sexy), and don’t just give up (she actually needs you now more than ever).

About the author


Gideon is the creator of TheRelationshipGuy.com, a top relationship blog that ranks 20th among the best relationship blogs in 2025 according to feedspot.com. The website helps couples to create happier, healthier, and more intimate relationships. Gideon is a trained professional counsellor and holds post-graduate degrees in Theology and Psychology. His articles also feature on popular platforms such as Marriage.com and The Good Men Project.

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