My 10 Real Tips for a Great Marriage Inspired By Chris Rock

By Gideon, 25 Jan 2025

I was watching Chris Rock’s latest show (Tamborine) on Netflix recently, where he spoke about his addiction to porn and how it contributed to his divorce from his wife. He shared some really personal stuff which I respect. On top of that, he also actually gave some really, really good relationship advice. Simple, yet practical stuff. I sat there thinking, he’s right. Sometimes, we’re making marriage and relationships far too complicated.  They are in fact very simple. Not easy, but simple. So, I went away and created my own list called “My 10 Real Tips for a Great Marriage Inspired By Chris Rock.”

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I see a lot of couples in relationship coaching who are looking for THE answers, or, that ONE magic thing that will make everything better.

The truth is, saving your marriage and creating a happy, healthy, and intimate relationship is actually very simple. Maybe not that easy, but definitely simple.

In fact, if I were to ask you to make a list of everything restricting the flow of love in your marriage right now, as well as 5 things you can do that would massively improve it, chances are you would most likely be able to tell me.

Go ahead, try it if you don’t believe me.

My 10 Real Tips for a Great Marriage Inspired By Chris Rock are not rocket science, but they are dynamite.

Beyond the humour and crude language, they are powerful principles for marital bliss and relationship happiness.

Again, go and test them over the next couple of months and let me know how it goes.

Love is not supposed to be hard. We tend to make it hard.

It’s not supposed to be complicated. We make it complicated.

So, either love or leave, but don’t try and do both.

Don’t love while threatening to leave all the time, because that will end up killing any remaining love and give you no other option but to leave in the end.

Also, don’t pretend to love when you’ve already left, physically, mentally or emotionally. Your spouse deserves better.

If you want to make it work, then choose to stay and make it work.

Love, serve, work hard, laugh harder, and make a genuine effort even when you don’t feel like it.

I hope this helps.

Remember, live and love fully.

About the author


Gideon is the creator of, a popular relationship blog that ranks among the top 50 relationship blogs in 2024. The website helps couples to create happier, healthier, and more intimate relationships. Gideon is a trained professional counsellor and holds post-graduate degrees in Theology and Psychology. His articles have also been featured on platforms such as and The Good Men Project.

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