Why you CAN’T be friends with your Ex

By Gideon, 07 Mar 2025

Are you friends with your ex?

As someone with a hard and fast rule regarding this, I don’t even know why someone would want to be friends with your ex, but maybe you’re different.

Maybe they’re worth it.

Maybe your ex suggested it would be a good idea to be friends.

Or maybe you thought it’s “better than nothing” if the alternative is losing them forever.


Being friends with your ex is actually almost always a bad idea and a recipe for additional (and unnecessary) heartache.

That’s especially true if you want to get your ex back, but it’s even true if you’re ready to move on and don’t want to get back together.

And although the “friend zone” is a terrible place to be with your ex, so many people fall for this trap because it’s such a tempting idea.

friends with your ex

I mean, your ex is giving you an option that allows you to maintain contact with the person you’ve loved for some time.

Now, in theory, this will allow you to move on gently and slowly without the intense feelings of loneliness that often accompany a breakup.

After all, if you can slowly wean yourself off those romantic feelings rather than going “cold turkey” and shutting down all contact with your ex, isn’t that a better option?

But the problem is that even though it often seems like a perfect compromise, being friends usually provides very little comfort and actually makes the process of moving on longer and more difficult than it needs to be.

AND… even more importantly… it will ruin your chances of winning your ex back!

There are a few other huge problems with agreeing to be friends with your ex if you want to win them back:

1) It won’t give them a chance to develop feelings of nostalgia, and they won’t miss you as much.

One of the key ingredients to repairing a relationship is that your ex needs to miss you like crazy.

How do you make someone miss you?

Simple: disappear from their life suddenly and completely, shutting down all lines of communication.

By maintaining a friendship with your ex, it’s impossible to really effectively disappear from their radar and make them miss you.

2) It gives complete control of the situation to your ex.

Another key to winning back your ex is to make it clear that you are still equal with your ex even though they’ve decided to break up with you.

You need to make it known that you’re not a pushover and that if your ex isn’t interested in a romantic relationship, then they should be cut from your life altogether.

3) You serve as a “safety net” for your ex while they look for someone new.

Do you want to be your ex’s confidante while they tell you about their new lovers?

Do you want to be the backup plan in case things don’t work out with the new romance they’re pursuing?

Of course not.

You have to make it absolutely clear to your ex that if they choose to break up with you, they’re on their own, and they can’t come running back to you if they find the single life a bit less fun than they’d imagined it would be.

In reality, there really isn’t any scenario where being friends (at least for the first few months) after a breakup is possible.

However, if you’ve already agreed to be “friends” with your ex and got stuck in the “friend zone,” calm down.

You can still undo this mistake and win them back (but only if you take action ASAP!).

The first step is to watch this free training video by world-renowned breakup guru Brad Browning (with over 600,000 YouTube subscribers):

friends with your ex

In fact, even if you haven’t yet agreed to be friends with your ex, you should still take 5 minutes to watch Brad’s video.

It will teach you a few little-known techniques to re-wire your ex’s feelings and make them want you back.

Just click the orange button below.

Listen, I’m not in the “get your ex back business,” but maybe you are.

If that’s the case, Brad is your guy, as he’s a legitimate expert on this topic.

I’ve looked at his work and really like what I’m hearing.

It’s well-researched and presented.

You can thank me later… 🙂

About the author


Gideon is the creator of TheRelationshipGuy.com, a top relationship blog that ranks 20th among the best relationship blogs in 2025 according to feedspot.com. The website helps couples to create happier, healthier, and more intimate relationships. Gideon is a trained professional counsellor and holds post-graduate degrees in Theology and Psychology. His articles also feature on popular platforms such as Marriage.com and The Good Men Project.

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