June 28, 2024 |Gideon

do you know What Men Secretly Want?

There is a deep-seated "Gap" in communication that very few women (or men) understand. To be truly irresistible as a woman to a man, you must understand how love and respect get entangled in a man's mind.

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Introduction to the Non-Talk Approach

In marriage counselling, conventional wisdom often revolves around the importance of open and honest communication, which is essential. Couples are frequently encouraged to talk through their issues, sharing their feelings and thoughts in an effort to resolve conflicts and strengthen their bond.

However, Steven Stosny’s book, How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It, challenges this traditional approach, suggesting that you can improve your marriage without talking about it as a more effective strategy to foster a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

Stosny posits that non-verbal communication, actions, and emotional connection play a much more pivotal role in improving marital relationships, and I tend to agree.

He argues that words alone may not always bridge the emotional gap between partners.

Instead, focusing on empathetic actions and shared positive experiences can cultivate a deeper sense of understanding and connection.

This perspective obviously emphasizes the significance of behaviour and emotional presence over verbal exchanges, and as someone who’s counselled and coached couples and has been married for nearly two decades, I also tend to lean in this direction.

I’ve seen couples try and talk themselves out of holes caused by bad behaviour, which never works, or at least not in the long run.

The main thesis of Stosny’s book is that couples can achieve a more profound and lasting improvement in their marriage by prioritizing actions that demonstrate love, respect, and support, rather than talking about the relationship.

By doing so, they can create an environment where emotional security and mutual appreciation thrive.

Moreover, this approach advocates for a shift from talking about problems to actively engaging in behaviours that nurture the relationship.

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Now, I like the premise of his book, which is based on personal practical experience and observations. I think it’s worth your time considering what it could mean in your situation.

I believe you will benefit significantly from shifting your focus from talking primarily to acting appropriately as the primary way to enhance your marriage, but that’s your call to make.

Talking has its place, but must be underbuilt and surrounded by healthy behaviour in my opinion.

These include practical tips for developing emotional attunement, fostering intimacy through shared activities, and enhancing non-verbal communication.

Understanding Emotional Triggers and Responses

One of the foundational concepts in Steven Stosny’s ‘How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It’ is the recognition and management of emotional triggers.

Stosny posits that many marital conflicts stem not from the tangible issues being discussed (or argued about) but from unrecognized emotional triggers that evoke strong, often unconscious, responses.

And understanding these emotional triggers allows couples to navigate conflicts more effectively and foster a more harmonious relationship.

a man and woman hugging

Now, emotional triggers are essentially stimuli that evoke a strong emotional reaction, often tied to past experiences or deeply held beliefs.

In the context of marriage, these triggers can often be words, actions, or even seemingly innocuous behaviours that spark a disproportionate emotional response.

For instance, a partner’s perceived criticism might trigger feelings of inadequacy or rejection, leading to defensive or aggressive reactions.

These responses can then often escalate into full-blown arguments, overshadowing the original issue.

Therefore, Stosny emphasizes the importance of recognizing these triggers in oneself and one’s partner—in other words, of being aware.

Awareness is needed to ultimately manage one’s emotions and reactions better for the overall wellbeing of your relationship.

Awareness is the first step toward managing these emotional responses.

Understanding that your partner’s reaction may be more about their internal emotional history than the present situation can foster more empathy and patience on your part.

For example, if a partner becomes unusually upset over a minor oversight, it may be linked to a deeper fear of neglect or abandonment rather than the oversight itself.

That awareness can lead to a completely different emotional and behavioural response on your part, leading to a vastly different outcome.

Some psychological studies also support Stosny’s views, highlighting that unrecognized emotional triggers often lead to recurring patterns of conflict.

Research in emotional intelligence also suggests that couples who are adept at recognizing and managing their emotional responses tend to have more satisfying and stable relationships.

So by focusing on the emotional underpinnings of conflicts (and dealing with them) rather than the surface issues, couples can work towards a deeper understanding of each other and connection.

That will also help resolve current disputes and build resilience against future conflicts, laying the foundation for a more satisfying and enduring relationship.

Building Emotional Safety and Connection

In his book, Steven Stosny emphasizes, among other things, the significance of building emotional safety and connection through non-verbal communication.

One of the key concepts he introduces is ‘love without words,’ which underscores the power of actions over words in fostering a deeper emotional bond between partners.

According to Stosny, couples often find that verbal communication, especially during conflicts, can lead to misunderstandings and heightened emotional distress. Instead, focusing on non-verbal actions can create a more secure and loving environment.

For example, physical touch is crucial in reinforcing intimacy and connection.

Simple gestures like holding hands, hugging, or a gentle touch on the shoulder can convey warmth and affection, making partners feel valued and understood.

a man and woman holding hands

Stosny points out that these frequent acts of physical touch can significantly reduce stress and increase feelings of safety within the relationship.

That, in turn, tends to lead to more positive feelings between partners, which usually underpins most healthy relationships.

Shared activities are another effective strategy for building emotional safety without relying on words.

For example, engaging in hobbies or tasks together, such as cooking, gardening, or taking walks, can strengthen the bond between partners.

These types of activities provide further opportunities for partners to connect and collaborate, creating a sense of ‘being a team’ and mutual support.

Stosny emphasizes that the quality of time spent together, rather than the quantity, is what truly enhances emotional closeness.

However, adding to that, small gestures of kindness also play a pivotal role in creating an environment where both partners feel safe and cherished.

Acts such as leaving a loving note, coffee in bed, or simply offering help with daily chores can have a profound impact on one’s relationship.

This is because these gestures tend to communicate thoughtfulness and consideration, reinforcing the emotional connection between partners far more than words sometimes aim to.

a woman sitting on a bed holding a cup

The point is that when couples manage to cultivate an atmosphere of emotional safety and connection, it tends to go a long way toward creating and maintaining a healthy relationship.

When a relationship lacks that, no amount of talking about what’s ‘wrong’ in the relationship will suffice.

Some Success Stories

In the book, Stosny highlights several success stories that illustrate the transformative power of this action-over-words approach.

For example, one couple, John and Lisa, were on the brink of separation due to continuous arguments.

However, by adopting Stosny’s approach, they shifted their focus from verbal communication—in other words, trying to ‘talk’ the relationship better—to intentional actions that can actually improve a relationship.

John started helping more with household chores, while Lisa made an effort to participate in John’s hobbies.

This ‘simple’ and seemingly insignificant change in behaviour gradually rebuilt their trust and affection for each other, which, in turn, transformed their marriage.

Another example is the story of Mark and Susan, who struggled with emotional disconnection.

They began incorporating Stosny’s suggestion of shared activities without the pressure of deep conversations (something many, if not most, men really appreciate).

In their case, they started cooking together once a week, which not only improved their teamwork but also reignited their bond.

Now, what does this mean for you?

Simply this – to integrate these strategies into your own life, you can start by identifying small yet meaningful actions that convey your love and appreciation for your spouse or partner.

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And the cool thing about that is that you can start right now – there’s no need to wait for a booked counselling session or marriage retreat.

You can identify small but core behaviours that need to change and start making the change slowly and clearly, starting today if you want.

Crucially, however, you must focus on consistency with these actions because consistency is vital for building trust and emotional security, especially in the long run.


Inconsistency is a killer of any healthy relationship, as is the case with any good result in life.

Also, consider how you can dedicate time to shared activities in your situation since some researchers have shown that couples who engage in positive interactions and share activities experience higher satisfaction and emotional connection levels.

If you start with those two principles, Stosny seems to argue that you have an excellent chance to improve your relationship without talking about it.

So, not that complicated at all.

It’s actually fairly straightforward—you cannot talk yourself out of a hole you created by poor behaviour. Fix that.

Change what you do, and talk will become unnecessary.

Walk the talk first, then talk about the walk along the way if necessary.

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About the author


Gideon is the creator of TheRelationshipGuy.com, a popular relationship blog that ranks among the top 50 relationship blogs in 2024. The website helps couples to create happier, healthier, and more intimate relationships. Gideon is a trained professional counsellor and holds post-graduate degrees in Theology and Psychology. His articles have also been featured on respected platforms such as Marriage.com and The Good Men Project.

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